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Snorkeling in Malaysia, Perhentian Islands

Last summer, we were given the opportunity to experience the best snorkeling trip ever. To be honest, Karimunjawa in Indonesia was setting the bar high, but as soon as we were snorkeling with this shark, we instantly knew that Malaysia’s underwater world exceeded all expectations.

At first, we were pretty disappointed by the islands: Garbage is a major problem at the Perhentian Islands. Click here to find out more about our experiences. However, we wanted to await the snorkeling trip before forming an opinion about the island. Well, let’s say: the trip in some way changed our mind. While snorkeling we came across two sharks, some turtles and thousands of colorful fish. We definitely choose the island’s underwater world over the island itself.

Schnorcheln Perhentians

What we didn’t like at all was to see how disrespectfully tourists were behaving while snorkeling at the Perhentian Islands: They were grabbing the turtle and breaking the corals. Unfortunately, most of the local people didn’t seem to be very concerned about the behavior of the tourists. We’re hoping that the people here get aware of the Island’s uniqueness.

Things to know before going on a snorkeling trip in Malaysia

 A one-day-snorkeling-trip is costs about 50 MYR. Trips start at 9am. You’ll be back at Perhentian Islands at about 3 or 4pm. The common route includes 5 stops as well as a local village where you get yourself something to eat. We were very lucky because we had a small boat just for us. Beware of the sun which is extremely strong despite the clouds. We recommend you to wear a shirt while snorkeling. Unfortunately, we only put on our shirt at the end of our trip. As a result, we got extremely sunburnt. Don’t use sun cream as it may be destroying the coral reefs.

Have you ever been snorkeling in Malaysia, Perhentian Islands? We’re looking forward to you comments!  

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